Television hero Jack Bauer is set to take on global warming in addition to his usual duties of single-handedly defending the free world against terrorists, assassins, and diabolically clever double agents. This story will be told in the coming season of Fox hit series 24(1). The 2008 season of the series will be incorporating environmentally-friendly messages into episodes as well as creating a "carbon-neutral" season finale. In a somewhat less dramatic fashion, Biofriendly Corporation has been tackling this problem for over 16 years.
"It is good to see a mainstream television series attacking this vital issue which affects us all," says Jim D'Arezzo, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing of Biofriendly Corporation. "It is because of the severity of problems like global warming that we at Biofriendly have spent the last 16 years and over $25 million developing an effective solution: Green Plus® liquid fuel catalyst."
Green Plus helps solve a 100-year-old problem in the conversion of fuel to energy. The problem is that hydrocarbon molecules within fuel tend to cluster, so oxygen cannot fully react with them. Biofriendly's Green Plus liquid fuel catalyst slightly "unbundles" these hydrocarbon clusters, allowing more oxygen to interact with them resulting in a faster, more linear and more complete burn. The result is more engine power, more torque, better fuel economy and, most importantly, fewer environmentally-harmful emissions such as carbon dioxide, the main contributor to global warming.
In addition to over 4 billion proven miles of customer use, Biofriendly's Green Plus has undergone exhaustive testing by such independent laboratory organizations as California Environmental Engineering (CEE), Southwest Research Institute, and Olson EcoLogic.
Fox's efforts have not stopped at the series. Kiefer Sutherland, who portrays Jack Bauer, has also recorded a public service announcement on the effects of global climate change, and similar spots including other cast members of the series are in the works. Fox themselves have joined a growing list of major corporations in "going green," and are taking steps such as purchasing all of its energy from renewable power sources, integrating hybrid cars into its production fleet, and posting resources on the Web for viewers to learn how to reduce their own carbon use.
Biofriendly is proud to lend their name to the growing trend to save our planet.
(1) ABC News -, Peter Verhoeff, contributes articles on environmental issues for Biofriendly Corporation. For more information about these and other topics, please visit the Biofriendly site Article Source:
Top TV Series Tackles Global Warming: Biofriendly Already There
global warming