There are strong feelings among the public that alternative energy companies will dominate the future of energy creation. Right now, it appears that the oil companies are reaping all the profits.The world has been noticing alternative energy companies over the last few years. Why, you may ask.The answer is "for many reasons."
Reason #1: Petroleum products as an energy source create pollution.
Reason #2: Alternative energy companies strive to create pollution free energy.
Reason #3: People fear the danger and instability of nuclear power.
Reason #4: Alternative energy companies strive to use the forces of nature to create energy.
Reason #5: Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy.
Reason #6: Since alternative energy companies use nature to create energy, it is an endlessly renewable source.
Reason #7: The profits from conventional power is cyclicle; they may surge when supplies are short and fall when supplies are great.
Reason #8: Alternative energy companies continue to grow as new technologies are discovered.
There are strong feelings among the public that alternative energy companies will dominate the future of energy creation. Right now, it appears that the oil companies are reaping all the profits.
But the world sees that technological growth is the key to the future. Companies such as Microsoft have set the standard that advances only come through change.
Outdated, inefficient methods must be discarded and new technologies introduced. This is how technology will affect the future. And alternative energy companies will control that technology.
The public is willing to pay for cutting edge discoveries. As the costs of traditional energy continues to sky-rocket, alternative energy companies will be the ones to benefit as they supply alternate technologies to fossil fuel.
Alternative energy companies offer a chance for the world to not only survive, but to grow. For, if things remain the same, we will not be able to continue growing, or, we can grow but burn up all our energy. As we grow using fossil fuels, we are poisoning the earth.
Alternative energy companies can offer a solution that does not require a choice between survival and growth. As we look more and more to nature, we can find better methods to create energy.
Alternative energy companies will use the mechanism of capitalism to create energy through alternate sources.
If each person used nature to create energy, it would take years for the concept to grow. But alternative energy companies rally resources of many to make it happen faster. They are uniting these resources into one whole. They are not only interested in discovering alternative fuel sources, but also in promoting their use. The discovery of these alternates is meaningless if they are not used.
Alternative energy companies inform people of the benefits of alternative energy and try to convince them to use it. If they are able to make a profit in the meantime, all the better. Correct?
Alternative energy companies are striving to have the world recognize that continued use of traditional energy is wrong. They will do this by showing us the "alternate". They supply the solution to the "don't grow or grow and burnout" dilemma.
As in a storm, if you move away from the center, conditions worsen; the closer you stay focused in the center, the safer you will be.
About the Author
MJ Batta writes on various alternative energy related topics and hosts an alternative energy websites at">Alternative Energy
Are Alternative Energy Companies the New Wave in industry?
green energy,
renewable energy