Author: Dave Millington
Each time the price of electricity increases, people begin seriously searching for alternative energy systems to reduce their electrical consumption. Many others however, are searching for way to reduce their reliance on energy produced by fossil fuels or nuclear power, looking at the natural and renewable resources such as the sun and the wind. While hydroelectric generators have been used for many years as alternative energy systems, not every area has access to the water power needed for its production.
Different areas of the country offer different options for alternative energy based on their environment. Areas with consistent winds may be ideal for creating power through windmills and places with an abundance of sunshine may supply enough solar energy to reduce the reliance on natural gas, coal and oil. Many of the technologies are available today but remain in limited use making them viable seems unlikely in the near future.
Additionally, the cost of these new forms of power generation is considerably higher than the current methods of gas, coal and oil. While technological advances continue, there remains insufficient support from traditional power suppliers to push thu use of alternative energy systems into the forefront.
Cost, Convenience Weighed Against Conservation
With the tradition of being able to flip a switch and have lights come on imbedded in society's history, the thought of alternative energy is not imperative for many people. However, those who reside in areas of the country where the power grid is too far away to make connection easy, the use of alternative energy systems is already underway. Having a cabin in the woods powered by solar power provides clean, cheap energy for use when traditional methods are not available.
Additionally, they can connect to a hybrid system that uses solar power and generators for the times of little or no sunshine and still have all the available power they require. Those using windmills to generate electricity find the silence of their operation a welcome respite from generators and cost of gasoline or diesel needed for them to run. Combining solar and wind power systems is still under development.
Critics claim the installation costs of alternative energy systems far outweigh the benefits of cheaper power, however proponents insist the initial costs will fall once people understand the benefits of not being dependent on fossil fuels and when the time comes that traditional methods of generating power are not available they will be ready.
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Alternative Energy Systems May Create Low Cost Power
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