Using Renewable Sources to Power Your Home for Free

As energy costs continue to rise largely due to an energy crisis which we are in the midst of and global warming and the hole in the ozone continue to be a growing problem, there is an ever increasing concern to save money and help the environment. A great fix to both of these problems comes in the form of renewable sources of energy such as the sun or wind. Many people have started implementing windmills and solar paneling to become self reliant, live off the grid, and eliminate their monthly power bills, thus freeing up a few extra hundred dollars each month.


Thanks to a growing concern for the environment and the interest to save money, practically anyone who has the desire to create their own natural electricity can do it. Renewable energy technology has gotten so mainstream to the point where anyone can create their own DIY generator in their back yard using windmills and solar cells to power their own homes. These generators convert energy from natural sources like the wind and sun into usable electricity to power your home and appliances.


If you live in a particularly windy area, somewhere around the coast for example, then you are eligible to use wind power to power your home. The renewable energy wind produces can consistently power your home, even if there is no wind. All you need to do is attach a generator so you can store the excess electricity you create and make use of that power during times of no wind so you'll never have a lull in your power supply.


Solar power is another option and one of the most powerful and popular of the renewable sources which you can use to power your home. Instead of a windmill you just need to tack some solar cells on your roof. Just like with the windmills, you can attach a generator to store the surplus energy so that you can have a continuous stream, even in the middle of the night. One of the best parts of solar power is that, depending on how many solar cells you install, you can potentially have a lot of electricity. If you produce more electricity than you use in a given month, you can sell the excess back to the power company for money which goes into your pocket. Many families in the midwest who own several acres of land do this on a large scale and make a handsome living from it, you'll just be doing it on a smaller scale but as I've stated the amount of electricity which you produce is really up to you and how much you put into it.


If you are interested in implementing natural sources to live off the grid and eliminate your monthly power bill, see my reviews of the top renewable energy DIY production guides at and see if going green is right for you.


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